My son,today it marks your 10th anniversary in Heaven. It seems like just yesterday you were here with us. You were taken way too soon. I know you're with your brother Jeremy and dad cracking jokes for everyone. I love you so much and miss you,words can't even describe. Fly high with the angels Jason and you and Jeremy continue to be my guardian angel. All my love Mom.
11th July 2024
Today my precious son marks one year that you left us to be with the Lord.This has been the most difficult year I've ever had.It seems like just yest that you were here with me laughing and talking.How I miss that big beautiful smile,your strong hands that could give the best backrub ever for an hour,your intelligent mind,you were my go to guy with questions,now I have no one,and your wit.What I wouldn't give to see you walk through that door again or call me on the phone and hear you say "hi mom".I can still hear your voice saying it.You were the only one who always worried about me,"mom did you get your physical?" "mom did you get your mammogram?" "mom you shouldn't be out late by yourself,do you have your pepper spray?" Lets just put it this way,I miss EVERYTHING about you.Just the thought of another year starting without you makes me so depressed.I know you wouldn't like it,you would say "how dumb" that I cry all the time for you.I'm so lost and broken without you.I love you my J and miss you to the moon and back.Sending all my love to heaven until we meet again in Heaven my baby,be my guardian angel.xoxoxoLove always and forever Mom
12th July 2015
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Jason Garcia.
We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by MuchLoved on 18/08/2014